Uncover the Remarkable Transformation Our Exclusive Dental Implant Solutions Offer to Your Smile Redesign


A Contemporary Dental Centre - Superior Calibre Services Centred on Patients, Merging Revolutionary Methods with Empathetic Care

Our steadfast commitment to promoting dental well-being has elevated us as respected contributors in the field. We cordially invite you to savour the remarkable service and friendly environment at our progressive dental centre. Our diligent dentists work incessantly to meet your unique needs, cultivating a deep connection with you whilst prioritising your comfort and fulfilment.

Dental Implants

Unparalleled Dental Implants, Assured to Revitalise Your Smile

We provide economical dental implant solutions in Melbourne, crafted as a dependable solution for gaps created by missing teeth. Our admired team employs superior titanium implants to create a sturdy base, delicately integrating the screw with your jawbone.

Employing advanced machinery and methods, our adept team oversees the entire dental implant procedure. We present an extensive array of tooth implant choices for your consideration. Once securely in place, a prosthetic tooth is fastened to the implant, flawlessly occupying the gap and mimicking natural teeth.

For reliable and swift dental implant procedures, depend on our team of seasoned dentists.


Envision the luminous allure of your smile following the triumphant conclusion of your dental implant treatment.

Endosteal Dental Implants

Before and after images
Before and after images


The individual’s route began with a comprehensive assessment, evolving into a customised scheme for endosteal dental implant surgery. This option is suitable for those with a healthy jawbone and who wish to have an alternative to bridges or removable dentures.

The dental implant process began typically with our dentist placing a small titanium post into the patient’s jawbone. After sufficient healing, a second surgery connected a post to the original implant, onto which an artificial tooth was attached. This innovative approach to replacing a missing tooth notably augmented their oral health and overall well-being.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Before and after images
Before and after images


The patient’s path commenced with an elaborate evaluation, resulting in a unique plan for zygomatic dental implant treatment. This procedure is ideal for patients who lack sufficient bone in the upper jaw for traditional dental implants.

The treatment involved placing the implant in the patient’s cheekbone (zygoma) instead of the jawbone. After adequate healing, replacement teeth were affixed to these implants. This cutting-edge method of dealing with the issue of insufficient bone drastically improved the patient’s oral function and the aesthetics of their smile.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

Before and after images
Before and after images


The patient’s journey initiated with a meeting, culminating in a personalised strategy for an immediate load dental implant procedure. This choice fits those eager to have a temporary prosthetic tooth on the same day as their implant surgery.

The dentist at our Melbourne office executed the dental implant procedures by inserting the implant and a temporary crown immediately post-extraction. This technique provided an instantaneous substitute for the natural tooth, firmly anchored onto the implant screw. This process not only improved the patient’s chewing capability but also rejuvenated their smile, significantly boosting their confidence.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Understanding the costs associated with dental implants can be a bit of a challenge, particularly given the numerous factors that can impact the final price. Dental implants cost a substantial amount, owing to the intricate procedure and the lasting solution they provide. Let’s delve deeper into the various aspects influencing dental implant costs and their range.

Teeth implants are a popular choice in cosmetic dentistry, primarily due to their natural look and feel. They essentially serve as artificial roots for the artificial tooth, ensuring a secure fit and contributing to overall oral health. However, the cost of these dental implant treatments can vary significantly.

The costs associated with dental implants can start from $2,400 per tooth. At the lower end of the scale, more affordable dental implants may be offered by clinics with lower overheads or in regions where the cost of living is lower. Conversely, the higher end of the scale reflects costs in larger metropolitan areas or at more established practices.

Number of Implants

The number of implants required significantly influences the final dental implant costs. For instance, replacing a single tooth with an implant is considerably less expensive than restoring multiple teeth.

Location of the Missing Tooth

The location of the missing tooth also plays a role, as some areas of the mouth are more challenging to work with than others.

Need for Preliminary Procedures

Another critical factor that can affect the cost of dental implants is the need for preliminary procedures, such as bone grafts. Insufficient jawbone thickness or softness may necessitate a bone graft prior to dental implant surgery. The strong forces exerted during chewing require proper bone support to ensure the success of the implant. While a bone graft can provide a sturdier foundation, it does involve an extra expense.

Type of Implant and Material

The type of implant and the material used for the artificial tooth are also critical in determining the final cost. Titanium implants are generally more expensive than their zirconia counterparts, and likewise, porcelain crowns tend to cost more than acrylic ones.

The Expertise of the Dental Professional

The expertise and reputation of the dental professional performing the implant surgery also contribute to the total cost. A more experienced professional who has a history of successful dental implant treatments will likely charge more than someone just starting out in their practice. However, many patients find the peace of mind that comes with using an experienced dental professional to be worth the extra cost.

Dental Insurance Coverage

It’s important to note that dental implant costs can vary depending on whether or not the procedure is covered by your dental insurance. Many insurance companies categorise implants as cosmetic procedures and therefore do not cover them. However, some aspects of the procedure may be covered, and it’s worth discussing this with your insurance provider.

To sum up, dental implants represent a long-term investment in your oral health. Despite the initial costs, their durability, functionality, and contribution to overall oral health make them a worthwhile consideration for anyone needing to replace a missing tooth or teeth. It’s always recommended to discuss all available options, including costs, with your dentist to make an informed decision about your oral health.

While dental implants are designed to last, their longevity can be significantly influenced by the care and maintenance they receive. Below are some strategies to ensure your dental implants last longer.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Scheduling regular dental check-ups is paramount to the longevity of your dental implants. During these appointments, your implant dentist will thoroughly clean your implants, examine your oral health, and make sure the implants and the crowns are in good condition. This regular surveillance allows for early detection of any potential issues that could compromise your implants, ensuring they are addressed promptly to extend the life of your implants.

Prioritising Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene practices are vital to making your dental implants last longer. Brushing twice daily, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash can help keep your mouth healthy. Special attention should be given to cleaning around your implants to prevent plaque build-up. Interdental brushes can also be helpful in cleaning those hard-to-reach areas around your implants.

Utilising Specialised Dental Products

Certain dental products can help maintain the longevity of your implants. Using toothpaste with antibacterial properties can minimise the chance of infections around your implants. Furthermore, a toothbrush with soft bristles can be gentle on your implants while effectively removing plaque. Water flossers, utilising a gentle yet powerful stream of water, offer effective cleaning between teeth, making them especially beneficial for maintaining oral hygiene around dental implants.

Avoiding Damaging Habits

Certain habits can potentially damage your dental implants and should be avoided. Chewing on hard foods, ice, or candy can lead to a damaged or cracked implant. The healing process after surgery can be hindered by smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, potentially compromising the long-term success of your dental implants.

Maintaining Overall Health

Your overall health, including your diet, can impact the longevity of your dental implants. Consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can promote oral health and contribute to the long-term success of your dental implants. Chronic conditions like diabetes can affect healing and the long-term health of your mouth, so it’s essential to manage these conditions effectively.

Once healed, dental implants function much like natural teeth, allowing you to savour a wide variety of foods without discomfort. This section will explore the journey of dietary habits as one adapts to living with dental implants.

The Initial Stages

The journey with dental implants typically begins with a surgical procedure where the implants are inserted into the jawbone. In the healing period following this surgery, certain dietary modifications are necessary. It is advisable to eat soft food items and liquids to avoid putting pressure on the healing implant. Items like soups, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and yoghurt are excellent choices during this phase.

Gradual Introduction of Solid Foods

As the healing progresses, you can gradually reintroduce more solid foods into your diet. Start with soft and easy-to-chew foods before moving on to harder items. It is crucial during this phase to chew slowly and take small bites to avoid discomfort and ensure the implant site is not disturbed.

Eating Regular Food

Once your dental implants have recovered and the crowns have been placed, you can enjoy almost all types of food. Tooth implants provide the necessary stability and strength to chew various food items, from crunchy apples to hearty steaks.

However, it is still important to exercise a degree of caution when eating very hard or sticky foods. While dental implants are robust, they, like natural teeth, can be damaged by excessive force or hard materials.

Living with dental implants doesn’t mean a life-long sentence of dietary restrictions. Once the healing process is complete, you can enjoy most, if not all, of your favourite foods. It’s another reason why dental implants have become an increasingly popular solution for missing teeth.


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